Model, Polling average, State of the race

The wild (by German standards) election of 2021

It’s always funny to me how quickly an election becomes a distant memory. The clarity that follows election results makes all the pontification, prophesying, and predicting beforehand seem immediately ancient.  The big takeaway from the 2021 election is that the polls were quite good. They were also extremely sensitive — both over and under emphasizing shifts in the electorate. Additionally,…

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Covid-19, State of the race

It’s the pandemic, stupid

One of the main reasons I started this blog is because I think that the media often overlooks the big picture and long-term trends. I want to offer my readers a long-term perspective on German politics. With the 2021 election drawing nearer, the media cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. Small gaffes are amplified, individual polls are overemphasized, and the…

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State of the race

Candidates don’t matter (much)

In my post from March, I boldly (read: foolishly) staked my claim about how I think the German election will go down. My take hasn’t really changed all that much, though there has been a significant shift in the polling numbers in favor of Die Grüne and away from the CDU/CSU. Time will tell whether the Greens can keep their…

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Polling average

Should Germany care more about polling?

This blog is about polls and forecasting, so what do you think my answer will be to this question?  Should Germany care more about polling? Yes, it should, but it should care less about individual polls and more about the aggregate. In this post, I’ll take you through what to be wary of when it comes to individual polls, how…

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State of the race

How Germany will (likely) vote in 2021

I couldn’t have picked a worse year to publish a prediction model for German politics. There’s a global pandemic that continues to produce economic and social contexts that are without historic precedent (and precedent is important in predictions) and it’s the first election in 16 years in which Angela Merkel is not running for chancellor.  These two factors are turning…

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Introduction, Model

Welcome to Vorcast

Welcome to Vorcast, my answer to the gap in Germany’s media landscape when it comes to data journalism.  In this first post, I’ll introduce the blog, why I created it, and what you’ll find here. A lot of the points I bring up will end up being their own individual posts in the future — but I’ll keep things brief…

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